June, 26-29 2016
Catania, Hospital Cannizzaro

Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to announce that the 11th National Congress of the Italian Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy, to be held in Catania June 26 to 29.

The congress is an appointment now awaited by all the experts on the subject and an opportunity for discussion between scientific experience of a constantly changing reality. Will be processed current and controversial issues that now, as well as minimally invasive surgery in general, spanning virtually all broad fields and ultraspecialistici gynecology (oncology, uro-gynecology, infertility, general gynecology, endometriosis, etc.). Will be given ample space to the new frontier of our specialties represented by the increasingly close cooperation between conservative treatments also oncology research and fertility. invited papers with insights on topics of speculative interest, scientific and practical, theoretical and practical pre-congress courses and video sessions even with "live surgery" at a distance, will enrich the conference with the clear message that now minimally invasive surgery, thanks to technology, not He knows no limits but can be carried and moved on reality even less organized so that they can grow rapidly becoming more and more capable of responding to the demands of the local population.

SEGi is a scientific society that the European and American model, does not want to stay still to static statutory purposes albeit important, but stimulate and be the protagonist of a development of skills in the area and help the development processes that go from "up-grade" instrumental and professional through active collaborations with colleagues and experts who already organized, remotely or locally, can contribute to the territorial development of this reality.

The formal legal aid but effective collaboration with the SIGO, the AOGOI and AGUI constitute a concrete coordination of fundamental basis for achieving these goals, and the organization of the congress by the president of SIGO and Segi are a clear evidence.

Adequate space will be reserved for communications that SEGi will make to its members and to all those who wish to register and enjoy the benefits that membership in this offree society; SEGi fact has the ambition to interact more and more with European society (ESGE) and American (AAGL) with which there are already memoranda of understanding and cooperation. it is therefore in the name of "sharing", that we invite many to participate in this event which this year even more than in the past want to be truly interactive and constructive.

President SEGi: Prof. Mario Malzoni
Congress President: Prof. Paolo Scollo

SEGi Scientific Committee:
Mario Ardovino (Avellino)
Massimo Candiani (Milan)
Claudio Crescini (Milan)
Pasquale De Franciscis (Naples)
Stefano Landi (Sondrio)
Pietro Litta (Padua)
Emilio Lomeo (Catania)
Michele Peiretti (Cagliari)

Congress Venue
Hospital Cannizzaro
Via Messina 829

Secretariat SEGi
Phone +39 06.36382038 – +39 06.36304489 Fax +39 06.97603411

Organizing Secretariat
AIM Group International
Phone +39 06.33053.1 – Fax +39 06.33053251